Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pink Party Punch

2 large (46 oz.) jugs of cranberry/raspberry juice
1 quart (32 oz.) piña colada mix
2 liters ginger ale (raspberry flavored, if you can find it)
12 oz. frozen raspberries

Combine the cranberry/raspberry juice and the piña colada mix in a large freezer container and mix well. Freeze at least 8 hours. (May be kept frozen up to 3 weeks.) When ready to use, thaw the mixture for 1/2 hour. Then place it (mostly frozen) in a punch bowl, add the raspberries, and pour the ginger ale over the top. Makes about 20 servings.

Another great Easy Recipe

Love At Home

There is beauty all around
When there's love at home.
There is joy in every sound
When there's love at home.

Roses bloom beneath our feet,
All the earth is a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete,
When there's love at home.

-- John Hugh McNaughton (1829-1891)