Easy Frosting
After Christmas when the blocks of candy bark coating are on sale, I buy several and freeze them.
When I make cookies or cupcakes that I have to carry somewhere (to school, work, church), I bring out a few blocks of the candy bark and melt them according to the directions on the package.
I put a spoonful of melted bark on top of each pastry, swirl it around a little, and then shake on some colored sprinkles . Or I drizzle the melted bark from the tines of a fork. When the bark cools, it becomes hard again and the cookies or cupcakes look very festive and taste great.
The bark makes a very durable frosting that does not mess up if it is accidentally brushed against or it comes in contact with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. If the cookies are of a crisp sort, I find I can even stack them on top of each other and they will still look great when they're served.