Thursday, November 05, 2009

Jefferson Davis Pie

1 unbaked pie shell
2 cups brown sugar
1 tablespoon sifted flour
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup cream
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon lemon rind grated
1/2 cup melted margarine

Sift sugar, flour, and nutmeg together. Add cream and mix well. Add eggs and mix well. Add lemon juice, grated rind, and melted margarine. Beat until mixture is smooth. Pour into unbaked pie shell and bake at 375° for 45 minutes or until custard tests done. Cool and serve with whipped cream.

Like most Jefferson Davis pie recipes, this recipe creates a very sweet, very rich "chess pie" sort of custard. Read a bit about the history of the recipe here: Who Can Resist Jefferson Davis Pie?"

Another great Easy Recipe

Love At Home

There is beauty all around
When there's love at home.
There is joy in every sound
When there's love at home.

Roses bloom beneath our feet,
All the earth is a garden sweet,
Making life a bliss complete,
When there's love at home.

-- John Hugh McNaughton (1829-1891)