Regina Roggasch's Cheese Sticks
1 roll nippy cheese
1 stick butter
1 cup flour
Cream butter and cheese together; blend in flour. Spread in pan and bake 15 minutes at 400°. Cut into strips, 1/4 to 1/2 inches wide. Serve with salad.
Regina Roggasch contributed this recipe to the Jolly Neighbors Extension Club of Rose, Nebraska, for a hand-written cookbook that they made during the early 1960's. I have expanded the directions a little because all the recipes were greatly condensed to fit on one side of a 3x5" recipe card. The recipe was titled "Cheese Spread" but I changed it to "Cheese Sticks" to more accurately reflect the nature of the prepared recipe. I don't know if "nippy cheese" was a brand name or just a suggestion about the flavor. Miss Roggasch was my first teacher at Duff Valley District 4. We moved to Rose near the end of my first grade year, so I only had her for a month or so.